Um...Senior Picture?? This picture was taken the night before Senior Pictures were due for the year book. Tad assured me that he didn't want professional photos done; that he and his friend had a better plan. I had all sorts of grand ideas in my head of wonderful photos with Tad sking or with his football uniform. But... I get my son, yes still handsome, with a borrowed blazer in front of a unicorn. Who has a unicorn picture in their home anyway?????
Brett and I were lucky enough to meet each other the summer of 2004 and have been going 100mph ever since. We enjoy so many of the same things and are lucky enough to share many of the same goals. Most of our days are consumed in raising our 6 children but it is becoming clear that those days are drawing closer to the end as our oldest is out of high school and in the next 5 years 4 will follow him. It is our hope and prayers that we do a good job raising these kids and they grow to be happy, productive human beings. So good.