Saturday, August 30, 2008

August 30, 2008

This has been a crazy year and busy summer. Brett took a new job and is now working in Seattle. Microsoft came calling and we couldn't refuse. He now makes a crazy commute-- every other long weekend--and we are all pulling together as a family to make it work.

Happenings of note this summer:

Grace, Alec and Jared were lucky enough to get to spend 6 weeks in Vegas with our family there. They were able to hang out with cousins, aunts and uncles and especially grandma and grandpa. Grace and Alec are now off to high school, Sophmore and Freshman and Jared is back as a big sixth grader and busy with soccer.

Lysh got a plane ticket to Hawaii for her birthday and was able to spend most of June with friends who live on Pearl Harbor. She had a blast. We were all jealous. Now it is soccer time.

Cory...spent the summer lifting weights , hanging out with friends, and cleaning out the fridge. All three of these things will asure that he will have a great football season this fall.

Tad has been working his tail off for the BLM. Most recently he is in the Sawtooth Mountain range working as a "Hot Shot". Come home soon Taddy.

Brett and Josie were able to take a short vacation to the Tetons and climb the Grand. is highly recommended. Brett is now in the peak of training for the St George Marathon and Josie will cheer from the sideline for the first time. We will keep you posted.

Grand Teton July 2008

Grand Teton July 2008
We are on top of the world!


Youngest of 6


Pro Climber


Oo La La


In Hawaii...Aloha


How does your bike look?


Um...Senior Picture?? This picture was taken the night before Senior Pictures were due for the year book. Tad assured me that he didn't want professional photos done; that he and his friend had a better plan. I had all sorts of grand ideas in my head of wonderful photos with Tad sking or with his football uniform. But... I get my son, yes still handsome, with a borrowed blazer in front of a unicorn. Who has a unicorn picture in their home anyway?????

Just Cuz 1/2 Marathon

Just Cuz 1/2 Marathon
What We Do For Fun